
This is a collection of resources I think are particularly relevant for those interested in studying ideologies, extremism and violence.


The Far Right Today, Cas Mudde
Hate in the Homeland, Cynthia Miller-Idriss
Bring the War Home, Kathleen Belew
Inside Organized Racism, Kathleen Blee
American Zealot, Arie Perliger
Extremism, JM Berger
American Swastika, Pete Simi
Going Dark, Julia Ebner
A Lot of People are Saying, Rosenblum and Muirhead
The Anatomy of Fascism, Paxton
Blood and Politics, Zeskind
The True Believer, Eric Hoffer


American Radical
Behind the Bastards
Boys Like Me
No Compromise
Day X
Straight White American Jesus
Southern Poverty Law Center
American Terror
Trust Me: Cults, Extreme Belief, and Manipulation
Tech Against Terrorism 
Hope Not Hate 
Ballot to Talk About


Counter Extremism Project's Eye on Extremism
Political Violence at a Glance


Welcome to Leith
Welcome to the Nazi Village
The Politics of Hate - Picciolini
The Lost Race - The History of the National Front
Louis and the Nazis
Jo Cox: Death of an MP
Generation Hate
Blood in the Face
White Right: Meeting the Enemy
Reconstructing Utøya

Fictional Films:

The Master
American History X
This Is England
22 July
Making Of